Monday, November 2, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Emmet Till
XYZ Nathaniel, your gay is showing.
Yes, I threw a stone at your glass closet. No "fag" is trembling at your petty scare tactics Nathaniel. I did not even mention your name, yet you are the one to take offense. SMH. I understand what it's like to be a gay man living on the DL.
I know it hurts.
You see I do not fear you, you fear me! Look how you tremble and madly pound on the keyboard typing your remedial nonsense. That gay spirit is so strong and fighting it will only feed that rage and frustration you have built up inside. Your delusion went as far as to resurrect the tragic, legendary, and ICONIC Emmett Till. Do you even know who Emmett Till is? Do you realize he died so you can walk with your head high? You fool. It's blasphemy.
First you disrespect dark-skinned women (and you don't even like girls!) then you threaten "faggots" with death using one of Americas greatest icons. The gall! Where is your shame? Whoops, I know, you left it deep in the closet with the rest of your integrity.
I'm not even going to mention your dates with Angelo, and me dropping the 2 of you off at your dorm. I won't do that because this isn't about me. This is about all the little gay boys who ARE afraid of people like you. If you hate yourself so much that you want to kill me by all means do! GAY IS THE NEW BLACK!!! I'll be your Emmett Till because if I have to die to shed light on your homophobic ignorance then so be it.
We are family like it or not.
The only thing I am upset about is that the video and its subsequent comments were removed. The world needs to see how dangerous and powerful homophobia truly is. This is the type of rage and fear that we live with everyday. How could anyone condone (and yes people did agree with him) such bigotry?
Friday, October 30, 2009
Jumbled Thoughts
Omg I feel like im going crazy! Trapped in this damn house, broke, lonely its so strange seeing my peers live their life while im stuck in this place a year behind. Its really strange. Im a bout to log off of facebook and all that social networking again it really isn't helping. Im just sitting here drinking my Smirnoff bang on the keyboard hoping it all makes sense. Im not even gon spell check this! GIVING IT TO YOU RAW AND UNCUT STARIAGHT OFF THE DOME! Listenignt o this amerie cd its pretty hot. Theres this one song where she talks about not being able to trust someone because she doesn't even trust love! How deep is that? I don't know why love and emotion plays such a large role in my life. I feel like some people can walk around with their emotions in check and I really wish I could be that way sometimes. i have this persistent anxiety that seems to be taking over my life. This fear of failure its so scary to me.im looking at my schedule for November and its looking real dry. I missed the first ever Kean historical society meeting and I was pissed! All because of work. Work work work work work work work… im damn grateful for that job but Abercrombie aint shit! Its all a system very intricate and very faulty. Which comes full circle to watching my peers live their dreams. I sit and think and wonder and cry about what if I graduated from the University of Florida, the only college I ever applied to when I used to be a traight a student. The last 4 years got me feeling hollow. Extremely vacant its hard for me to even care about much of anything. I was talkin to my bestie deon and we were comparing our freshman year. Its sad that we both came to the conclusion that we didn't even have a chance. For different reasons of course. It was just a series of unfortunate events. Black, gay, broke, in a country swamp. I learned a lot tho and met some amazing people. I just need that FIRE! I don't really have a passion or hobby. i don't even play videogames like I used to. Its really upsetting. expressing. And while I love being home im slowly starting to remember why I left. Its too many women here! Ugh like 7 of them in one house. And they all loud and rude and it's a lot. There is constant emasculation from every angle. Gay men on tv are faggots and sissies its just too much on my psyche. I feel like im in a void I guess that's all for now. Trust there is more im just tryin to get back into this thing.
Master Class
My boy Daryl has a monologue coming up soon. He's a great guy energetic very motivated and muy intelligente lol. I'll be there! My dude is definitely Alfie Approved. It's good to see my peers excelling and living their dreams.
Here is the press release:
Up-and–coming talent will share industry challenges with intimate cabaret.
October 06, 2009 (UNION/BLOOMFIELD, NJ) — Daryl Stewart is not your typical mediocre young adult: He is a powerful stage actor and vocalist, both in musicals and concert work. He's known for vanishing magically into his characters, whether on film or on stage. And in Early November, he will return to Piano's with his debut cabaret "Master Class". His unique musical stylings will be on display for all to see during the intimate vulnerable performance at the theater on November 8, 2009. His anticipated debut solo album that is a companion piece to the show will be released in stores and online weeks after the show!
Accompanied by his musical director, Melissa Abate, Stewart will serenade the audience with his favorite standards and jams from the past 10 years of his career. In between songs, he will share poignant moments, tribulations and challenges from his colorful and artistic journey with his "apprentices".
The Union New Jersey native and up and coming star of stage and screen made his theatrical debut in a community production of "Oliver Twist!" and hasn't stopped performing since. In addition to a celebrated theatrical career, Stewart has appeared on television, in short films, and more. He is the host of a weekly radio show entitled "The Daryl Stewart Show" on Internet radio and an advocate for Arts Education. He currently attends New York University pursuing a dual degree in Theatre/Social Science.
On stage, he is best known for his role as Mereb in the celebrated 2005 production of Disney's "AIDA", which earned the budding star a Papermill Playhouse Rising Star Nomination for Best Supporting Actor. In the Spring of this year, he appeared in the racy, provocative musical Wolfe's "The Wild Party" at the Westminster Arts Center in NJ to rave reviews!
Stewart's Cabaret Show," MASTER CLASS" will be performed at Piano's, 36 Broad Street, Bloomfield NJ 07003. The Show will be NOVEMBER 8, @ 2009 at 7 pm sharp, with a running time of 90 minutes. THERE IS NO COVER CHARGE, but there is a $15 food/drink minimum. For Reservations or for more information on the show please email dstewartlive@gmail.com or call (973) 743-7209. For more information please visit www.darylstewart.net. When asked for a comment Stewart exclaimed "The show will be an intimate chance for everyone to experience my artistic journey; my trials, tribulations, highs and lows on my quest to become a professional performing artist. In addition, its my chance to show the world, not all young African American men my age are negative, some of us are quite talented and doing well."
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
I’m So tired
I'm about to leave class and it just dawned on me that I have really calmed down since school started. I haven't really been out definitely haven't gotten drunk and I feel quite virginal. Iono know why maybe it's the season. I want to do so well here there's really no excuse. Time here should go by quickly enough. I pray.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Put ya hands up!
Somebody got to go
This aint gon work no more
U don't get sick of lying?
cuz im sick of trying
Sex with my friend
I was thinking if we did this would I still be
Everything you promised me
Would you want to get to know me
love me and hold me
oooo just the thought
I never did this before
made love to my buddy
but the way he kis me and hug me
I feel like it's a sin
sex with my friend
I just don't want us to end
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
I'm in such a good place right now that I can't believe it. It's like when good things happen to me I don't really feel like I deserve it. I hate that I feel that way but it's all a learning process. I feel healthy and happy. Like I have some sort of grasp on my life it's so strange because I never felt that way. I so love my friends and family right now. Everyone is growing and blossoming. This is the time of growth.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
I Believe
Oh Whitney she gave me everything I need this week. I enjoyed that interview so much that I had to dig deep in my collection for a lost jewel of music The Preachers Wife Soundtrack. Oh how the angels sing! And Whitney's voice is truly angelic. Her voice carries this album to dizzying heights that seem to transcend its gospel roots into and all around inspiration. I feel myself drifting away from religion lately. I don't know why. I know I believe but I also know that because of the way I was born my seat in heaven isn't guaranteed. However, this album has me believing again. Not just in God but in myself and in love. Songs like "You are loved" reinforces themes self love while also reminding me of the love that surrounds me. "I Go to the Rock" this song takes me straight to church! She should have gotten her voice insured because the way she this song she could convert bin Laden. I also love how it's not just a Gospel CD but an RnB CD. Songs like "I Believe in You and Me "and "My Heart is calling" give strong baby making vibes. I just have nothing but high regards for this CD. I remember my mother playing this around the house back when I was just a kid. It resonated with me then and it resonates today
Me and Alfie
I'm going g to try and post more regularly. I'm back in school and its full swing I'm in the library now just finishing some homework. I know nobody reads my blog but if you do read it please don't be offended. These are my thoughts and feelings I could never put a lid on them they are out of my control and all my own. This is my baby! Me and Alfie go hard!
So enjoy!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
I Dont Think You're Readyfor This THANG!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Foxy Brown - I Can't
I know i dont rep foxy too hard on here but i love love love this song. she was spittin some real shit here and total delivered 100%. Remember when everyone was skinny?
Friday, August 21, 2009
Arkham Asylum
Thursday, August 20, 2009
That's Rude
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
JoJo Forever In My Life
Ugh! JoJo is everthing in the world that is good! her voice makes me believe in miracles and unicorns. She will go down in history as something serious.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Freddy Krueger
I love Janet
Mass Effect 2 New Character: Thane
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Dark Void
This game looks sickkk in so many different ways. i love games that show verticality. the character design is awsome and i can just imagine flying around the stage shooting people. too bad its been pushed back. :(
Put U On
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Britney Spears - Gimme More
I was just feeling this shit this video is flawless. RAW.
Trash T.V.
Real Housewives of Atlanta- This show just started but it's given me all the entertainment I need for an entire season. Why do I love Kim and think everyone else is phony as all hell? Especially Lisa, who just lost her house, go figure, and most especially NENE. Keep the Drama COMING!

Tiny & Toya – This has been my ultimate guilty pleasure for the entire. It's the equivalent of Oprah eating an entire tub of ice cream because it's so damn bad for you but it's so damn good. The entire season I what tiny be verbally abused by T.I. and mindlessly wander through Atlanta, Georgia. Tiny really is the star of this show I give you props mama she holding it down for her man while making a name for herself. Toya on the other hand is her wise cracking sidekick trying to get from under Lil' Wayne shadow. I feel like she needs to try harder because while I now see Tiny for Tiny I still think of Toya as Lil Wayne baby mother.
The Wendy Williams Show- This woman single handedly saved television with her wit, intelligence, and down to earth personality. She is a true Cancer, we wear our hearts on our sleeves and are complete messes but we aren't afraid to show it.
I’m back! Tanned and X-Rated :-P
Refreshed and rejuvenated. 7 whole days of frolicking on the beach, tanning, drinking, bonding with my dad and family it was truly an experience to remember. There is so much to say and so much I want to do. I am on the plane now overlooking the ocean which is just phenomenal in its own right. Aruba was everything I remember and more! The accents were so funny but when the switch languages mid-sentence it just makes me feel like I've only experienced a small fraction of the world. I don't think I've ever drank as much as I did over the past 7 days everywhere we went there was liquor on hand. Shit, I'm coming back with this huge ten dollar bottle of Aruba rum hahaha! I took so many pictures and video I'm sure they will be popping up all over the place pretty soon. I haven't cut my phone on in a week so that should be fun. I have about an hour left until Miami (i.e. the United States) so I'm going to enjoy the ride and look at these pictures!
Lil’ Kim

Kimberly Denise Jones also know as Lil' Kim never ceases to amaze me. I am in complete awe at her performance during Nelson Mandela's Birthday. It wasn't just Kim trying out singing it was a human being vulnerable and elegant while being true to herself. Kim has been quite provocative over the years, infamous even, but its moment like these when I feel most humble to be her fan. Who would have thought a woman who had one breast exposed on MTV's red carpet, brags about making soda cans disappear in her mouth, and did a one year prison stint would be on stage with Cyndi Lauford SINGING "Time after Time" on Nelson Mandela's birthday? This is what I Iook for in an artist. When art comes from within and is appreciated across all generations and races. Lil' Kim teaches us that you don't need to put yourself in a box you create the box then DESTROY IT.