It was pretty good. I don't even like the man like that but he was regulating addressing the issues head on it give me inspiration. Who was the brother that asked the baseball question though? Like u can ask the King of the world anything and u ask him about Anthony Rodriguez? Is it me or were they going in on Obama and he wasn't having it! He was beating them down like Chris did RiRi
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
My 3 Children

He Really Beat Her
Contusions! Bite marks! Devil horns!
Now I have never seen my mother get hit by a man I hope to God I never will, but its something very disturbing about watching a man pummel a woman. I never understood it. Women already go through so much and regardless the "reason" hitting her like that was so unnecessary. I feel like he's going to get away with this. Blacks are very forgiving (R. Kelly), I never really liked Chris Brown he looks like a pony and sings like seagull. However, he is very talented and its disappointing to look at such a talent fall from grace. I can just picture all the lil 8th graders that look up to him beating their girlfriends
Issue #1: Running that Trap
Iono what got into people minds lately, but I feel like everyone is just spewing rude ass, simple ass, loud ass comments to assert themselves or maybe because they feel like people won't say anything. I just cant stand when people talk!