I guess this could be a Capcom review they have been on a roll lately with these 2 games.
Resident Evil 5
First up Resident Evil 5 which is just a stunner in every conceivable way. I am a big fan of its predecessor so there is biased but a good game is a good game. RE5 is set in Africa and the first thing you notice about the game is how beautiful it is. Every detail is there flies swarm around carcasses, sweat beads down brows, dirt even accumulates on the bottom of the Africans feet. It's a lot going on but u never feel out of control which is hard to do nowadays with everyone concerned with flash you forget about details and this game doesn't.
Street Fighter 4

Iono bout this game. It's growing on me. I usually love fighting games. This one isn't clicking with me at all. There is no pick up and play at all. It's pick up and get your ass kicked. Which would be great for a niche fighter but this is STREET FIGHTER everyone should enjoy this. Plus I own the game on the 360 so the controls seem to be off with the horrid d-pad. I wouldn't recommend this game to anyone who isn't prepared to be completely frustrated trying to figure the fighting system out.