I haven't seen a good movie in a long time. While I think movies are in a better state than, lets say, the music industry i feel like movies have become glorified music videos. This blog is the beginning check for my feature length debut and album coming soon, but until then here are some of my most anticipated movies for the year.

Without a doubt the action movie of the year for me. i love the X-men and while wolverine may not be my favorite the trailer looks amazing.
I have no idea what this movie is about but if the team behind 300 is behind it it should be a pretty interesting film to say the least
Where the Wild Things Are
Remember this children's book with all those ugly monsters? I remember that book for its art and just striking almost disturbing images of monsters that populate this island. THIS MOVIE LOOKS SICK they nailed every detail you don't get movies like this too often especially children's movies.
Chun Li
Shes just bad bitch.
I'm sure there are more but this is it for now. what are you looking forward to? Check out this cool website
http://theblackboxoffice.com/Shout out to Darlene!